
Thursday, 23 January 2014

Wonderful, don't you just love catch 22 situations? Yes, that is a rhetorical question! Today (and by today I mean yesterday), I needed energy for classes of wild animals so I had a small coffee from the machine, and now here I am exhausted but still unable to sleep and it's already tomorrow (Thursday). The worst part is it doesn't even taste like real coffee! 

What's more, the big animals were all hibernating from the rain, I mean what's that about? It seems in all the Spanish speaking countries I've visited, if it's raining there is an unwritten law that class is automatically cancelled.

On the other hand, we are one step closer to making our 3D sheep and I learned that Galicia has the highest suicide rate in Spain (obviously this is due to vile weather). What wonderful information our students are full of! Of course, this was shortly followed by the fact that we should celebrate everyday, and be happy for any glimpse of sunshine that might appear in our grey Galician skies.

P.S. If you can't wait for the glimpse of sunshine in Galicia, Tenerife is only 2 and a half hours away and they have sunshine all year round!

P.P.S. Also consider purchase of electric blanket (as I am right now), this may actually be cheaper than Tenerife and will

a. hopefully stop us getting frostbite whilst sleeping


b. stop me singing frosty the snowman in my head.

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