
Monday, 26 May 2014

Jamie ... Jordan English Weatherman!

Jamie has been a very busy little bee all weekend compiling our weekly weather forecast ...... How's the weather today? It's raining ... it's cloudy ..... It's very tiring work, so he's having a little siesta!  Forecasting the weather is soooooo exhausting ... YAWN!!!

Here we go round the mulberry bush...

On a cold and frosty morning :( Yes, it's almost June and it's cold (grumpy face).

But... Happy Monday everyone!

Only 5 weeks left and even less for my babies doing the FCE exam on the 7th June :O fingers crossed!!!!

Operation bikini is in full force over here, just in case the sun ever decides to return. Any tips are welcome by the way!

Cue Jamie Jordan our resident weather man reading the forecast...

On Monday it's raining and cloudy

On Tuesday it's raining and cloudy...

You can guess the rest.

Photos to come later of our weather man.

Enjoy your day


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Woohoo Wednesday is here and it's my favourite day of the week! :)

We are planning, planning and planning here, so many ideas for fun things!

I just made a great DVD of some classic children's songs to sing later, or now...

"Five little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating the most delicious bugs, yum, yum..."

Please let these replace '10 green bottles', because unless they are wine bottles, I am going to go mad if I hear that song one more time! 

Bottoms up! LOL

Enjoy your Wednesday! 


Monday, 19 May 2014

Happy Monday!

Hi Everyone!

We just realised there are only 3 weeks left until our students do the Cambridge First exam in June argghhh! Nerve-racking, I hope everyone does well, cross everything!

congratulations to our students Marta and Alvaro, who did the PET on Saturday last weekend, I'm sure you guys are going to pass without a doubt!

We've finished our fishy project now, lol. Now, we are just reviewing everything before summer (6 weeks and counting!), although I have no doubt that everyone will forget everything by the time they come back in September again.

Remember we have a summer course - sing with me...Jordan English, Jordan English, fun in English everyday, fun in English in every way!

Enjoy your week and don't forget to let us know about summer or next course!


Thursday, 15 May 2014


Enjoying the sun today, and having a lovely quiz outside in the garden! 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

We're half way there, woohoo living on a prayer!

LOL happy Wednesday! Our under the sea project is looking good...

Thankfully no one has been stung by a jellyfish yet, despite various attempts :O

We now have a school of dolphins at the academy too, sign yours up for learning English! 

We also have some starfish and I think we might be adding sea sponges to the mixture after watching Sponge Bob collecting jellyfish...

On a different note we also have martial arts classes in English for kids and adults, classes have very limited places so sign up asap for now or the next course!

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Monday, 12 May 2014

How to make fish!

Welcome to our under the sea theme :) I can hear the Ariel the little mermaid song in my head right now!

First of all, you will need:

  • paper toilet rolls
  • pens, paint, crayons or something for colouring
  • scissors
  • googly eyes (optional)

Next, fold the toilet roll so it's flat.

Then, cut around one of the ends so it is rounded and cut two diagonal slits close to the other end but do not cut all the way inside (see photo below).

After this, fold the two'triangles' inside the fish so you are just left with a body and a tail, see below.

Finally, colour/paint the fish to your heart's content  and then glue/stick on (opps I forgot to mention you might need glue!) the google eye. One or both sides is okay depending on how you wish to display your fish.

Repeat the process for every child and you will end up with something like this!

This week we are also going to make jellyfish to add to our display and who knows what else might be lurking under the sea! ;)

Enjoy your week


P.S. please feel free to share any of your ideas for under the sea worksheets or art and crafts!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Back to work!

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend or at least the day off on Thursday...It was sunny too!

We have lots of fun planned for this month and some stressful things to like exams :( I hope my students are going to do well in the PET exam!!!! Fingers crossed...

What did everyone get for their mother? I hope you all spoiled her!

Stay tuned for another 'how to' soon, I found a cool idea this morning, think...Finding Nemo :)

Happy Monday!
